#64: Civic Square - Reimagining the Neighbourhood for the 21st Century (with Immy Kaur, Kavita Purohit and Charlie Edmonds)
The Green Urbanist PodcastMarch 27, 202301:16:5152.84 MB

#64: Civic Square - Reimagining the Neighbourhood for the 21st Century (with Immy Kaur, Kavita Purohit and Charlie Edmonds)

Civic Square is a Public Square, a Neighbourhood Economics Lab and a Creative + Participatory Ecosystem. They have been doing amazing work around systems change at the neighbourhood level in Ladywood, Birmingham, where they are based. Their main projects to date include creating a Neighbourhood Doughnut based on Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics concept and exploring the invisible infrastructure needed to transition their neighbourhood towards a sustainable future.

In this episode, we also have a long chat about how they are funded and the difficult reality of engaging in meaningful systems change work that doesn’t come with a blueprint. 

Civic Square website: https://civicsquare.cc/

Ladywood Neighbourhood Doughnut: https://doughnuteconomics.org/stories/213

Listen to episode #33: Doughnut Economics Explained and What it Means for Cities

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